This Privacy Policy is entered into by and between Bogaa Foundation on behalf of itself and its affiliates, group companies, related entities, and licensors (the “Organization”). Varmams have been classified based on the type of pressure or the nature of source by which injury is caused. Siddha texts like ‘Varma kannadi’ and ‘Varma suthiram’ have described about these 108 vital points. Totally 108 varma nilaigal (points) are defined and these are used to stimulate energy, heal disease or stimulate the immune mechanism. According to varma theory, there are points in the body which are vital energy (Prana vayu) storing points through which vital energy is transmitted to various parts of the body and all the functions of the body are mediated. All these texts have names from the heritage of siddhars – Agasthiar, Bogar, Ramadevar, Thirumoolar, Theraiyar. Most of them are available in palm leaf name scripts. Around 30,000 verses speak about varmam and its units. There are nearly 120 books in various titles available in the name of varmam. This is an ancient text which is the base for grammar in Tamil language and literature period of (7000 BC- Tholkappiam) use the term `ValiAatral’. We can get reference of varmam from `Tholkappiam’. This art survived and strengthened its roots through this process for centuries and still exists even today on the Same Principle. The master would take up the responsibilities of passing his own verified, experimental and textual knowledge to his trusted student who would continue the same process down the line. Varmam art has been sustained and nourished for centuries by the tradition of aasan (the master) and disciple. Most of the Varmam texts available in Tamil language were written in the name of Siddhars Agathiyar, Thirumoolar, Bogar, Therayar, Romarishi, Ramadevar. The lineage extends to Nanthidevar, Siddha Agathiar, and their disciples. This healing application called ‘Varma Vaidhiya’ is used to treat patients suffering from paralysis, nervous disorder, spondylitis and other Joint disorders. It is believed that Lord Shiva the first siddha taught the art of Varmam to his son Murugan. Though it is closely related to the ancient Dravidian martial art ‘varma kalai’, it was developed and used by Siddhars as a healing science.